Several weeks ago my dad called and asked if I had heard about the Princesses on Ice show that was going to be in town. I had heard about it. He thought I should go and take the girls. I didn't really say much about it at the time because I didn't necessarily agree. I had actually thought about it but I couldn't think of anyone I could go with, and I didn't really want to go without another adult. Plus I couldn't really justify spending the money on it right now.
My dad didn't necessarily agree with me. He called me back the next day and said, he had been looking online and he was going to buy tickets for me and the girls to go to the show. Well there goes that excuse. And although I would prefer to have another adult with me, I started thinking about it and realized it would be a pretty neat thing for me to take them to, just us girls. I knew they would be excited about that. I was onboard.
The girls have been counting down the days until the show and have been so excited all week. We've also been pretty worried because as you know they've been fighting some kind of crazy flu this week and I was worried they wouldn't be able to go. Today they were still feeling pretty yucky when they got home from their dad's place, but I told them they needed to spend the rest of the afternoon resting if they wanted to try and make it and they listened. A few hours rest and a shot of children's motrin later we were off.
Of course I'm still dealing with the foot injury and I had progressed to the cane but it's pretty hard walking with it and I was very nervous about getting from the parking garage to the building, handling the steps, etc., with just me and the girls. Dad saved the day again, though, when he and my step-mom decided to pick us up for the show and drive us there, and help us get into the building. We'd have to get to our seats by ourselves, but they were going to get us in and come back to help us out, at least, which was a huge weight off my shoulders. There's a movie theater right across the street from the Arena and we couldn't have gotten more lucky in that the movie they wanted to see tonight started literally 10 minutes after our show started and got out at the same time our show finished. So that all worked out very well.
The show was very cute. We'd actually seen it before, 3 years ago, but neither of the girls really remembered. Tonight though, at nearly 5 and 6 1/2 and extremely into the princesses, the girls were full on ready. They were SO cute. From the minute we sat down and they saw the castle on the ice they were on the edge of their seats. Every time a new character came out or a new song started they giggled and squealed with delight and grabbed my arms and just looked at me with their huge beautiful smiles and sparking eyes. It just made my whole week.
My girls are lovers, that's for sure, so it really wasn't anything new when they both wanted to snuggle in on either side of me or hold my hand or tell me how much they loved me or that I'm the best mommy ever, but this experience just really made those little cute things they do that much more meaningful to me. Whenever someone else would skate onto the ice they would grab me and shriek, "SLEEEEPING BEAUUUUTY!" or whichever character it was at the time. And I was beaming.
The girls were so well-behaved. This can really be a crap shoot with them, so I was so happy to see that be the case. They were just very into the show and very excited to be there. I had wondered about their ability to sit through and be good for such a long stretch but they really pulled it off. In fact, I'd been thinking about getting tickets to Mary Poppins on broadway this spring but had kind of been holding back but after tonight I decided we were definitely going to do it.
It's very hard to do sometimes, because I generally have Brody with me as well, and because often Olivia is difficult to take into public, and because I am usually just one person, but I realize how important it is for the girls and for me to have time like that. Just us girls. Just like it was before Brody came along and before boyfriend moved in with us. Boyfriend has pretty much been in our lives for the past 4 years but the girls and I lived on our own for almost 3 years before he moved in with us and Brody followed shortly after that. So for me, being out doing something special just me and them really made me feel good. This was definitely something that was missing in our lives and something I needed to figure out how to add more of into our lives. It would be great for them and for me and I really do think it would go far to help me Live My Best Life because nothing makes me feel better than my kids being happy.
So you can imagine how great my day got when shortly after we returned to our seats from intermission Olivia stood up and looked at me and had some tears in her eyes and got a little choked up and said, "Thank you so much mommy, this is the best day ever." and she started to cry a little bit. Then of course I started to cry a little bit, too, because I was so happy that it made her so happy.
Today on the quest to Live My Best Life I took a little break from trying to find something to do that would be specifically for me and having to do with me and My Best Life, and I did something that made My Kids Best Lives a little better, which is really one of the keys to My Best Life anyway, so... score! :)
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